Riverside audio trail

The trail starts at Hertford Museum. If you’re joining part-way through, or listening from home, start with track 1 for an introduction.

5 - The Ripple Effect Riverside Trail

Track 5 Audio Transcript

Initial lines where like a bend in a brook and I did not know what shape they would take. My eye’s followed them like a leaf meandering along the murky surface. A few stokes on and your scene became as familiar as a bridge passed over every day to get to work. It was so simple just my sketchbook and a black pen but it opened up a door into your communication, your world. I kept that sketchbook, that conversation, our moment in time. I often looked at it and seen something new. I was comforted by it when the breath went out of you for the last time and your watchful eyes finally rested on something I could not see.